Tuesday 25 June 2013


Holy moley! I've been forgetting to post! There is a really good reason too. And that reason is work! I've been incredibly busy over the past few days. Pretty much to the degree that my day pretty much consisted of me waking up, eating, going to work, coming home, eating, and then going to sleep. I've been dead to the world. But that should be done and over with for a while now and I can concentrate on this for a while.

Now at this time I am finding a few notable changes. First up is I've always had a bit of a strange complexion. Even at 25 I still break out like a 14 year old. Well that's all clearing up nicely. I can't say much for energy until I've has a day or two off simply because I've been pushing myself so hard lately that I have nothing left every day. But I haven't had that heavy lazy feeling that generally plagues me when it gets hot or when I get tired. I can generally keep going without really needing to sit there and tell myself that I need to get moving.

Over the past few days I almost broke down. I craved snack foods like you would not believe. Grocery shopping with my mom has never been so hard! She has to watch her cholesterol and all, but she likes to point out things that look like they might taste amazing. It's like some kind of test of my own will power with her. Let me tell you its been a real test lately. Normally at this point I would lose it and spring for the closest box of cookies or baked goods. Resistance has been a challenge. I'm pretty sure this is how a drug addict feels when they can't get they're fix. In fact according to a lot of the research I've been reading our brains respond to junk food much the same way they respond to a dose of any one of the more addicting drugs like heroin or cocaine. The same pleasure centers of the brain light up like Christmas. It messes with our rewards system, we get cravings, and worst is the denial! We all just clam to like food a lot. No we're a society addicted to food that's bad for us. Did you know that there are over 52 different names for sugar and probably just as many if not more for salt? Next time you pick something up that says it's sugar free look for high fructose corn syrup, glucose something or other, or any kind of artificial sweetener. It's all sugar or turns into sugar in your stomach. I really worry about our futures with such false advertising practices.

Now I just want to put something out there. I'm not trying to be preachy about this. I'm just expressing my horror when I figured out all of this was true. I looked up different names for sugar and I looked through my so called sugar free products and found sugar. I had already started losing faith in the system set up to protect us supposedly and then I found this. I was angry. I'm still angry and if I didn't only rent my place I would have dug up the whole front yard and turned it into a vegetable garden out of spite. But since then I've realized that the rad to ruin is paved with good intentions.

Anyways  I'll try to keep my updates regular again for my whole 10 readers haha.

Here's the link to psychology today on the parallels between food and drug addiction

Friday 21 June 2013

Day 2

Sorry guys it's gonna be a bit of a short entry this time. I've been working 8 am till 8 pm every day and I had a few errands to run today. To sum things up I'm beat! But I'm still kicken and that's a good thing I suppose. Despite my lack of time I managed to scarf back a mango raspberry smoothie with a tea spoon of Spirulina. I've gotta say it's got an odd taste to it but, it turns me into the energizer bunny when I need it. Mostly a fruit day being as I haven't managed to get home till late.

One major thing I would like to share with anyone reading is this FABULOUS raw brownie recipe! A friend made it for me once and they have got to be the best brownies I have ever eaten. I'm hard pressed not to eat the whole batch when she brings them by!

Raw Vegan Dessert – Brownie – Recipe:
Get Your Ingredients:
1.5 cups raw almonds
~15 dried figs
1/2 cup raw cacao powder
1/3 cup shredded coconut
1/8 cup water
Hurry and Make It Already:
1. Blend the almonds in a food processor for about 30 seconds until you have a fine consistency.
2. Add the figs and cacao powder to the food processor; blend for another 30 seconds.
3. Add the coconut powder and pulse 5 times.
4. Add the water and pulse 5 times or until the mixture begins to solidify.
5. Spread the mixture onto one half of a small baking tray lined with parchment paper; fold the parchment paper over the mixture and mold the mixture into a block approximately 1″ thick.
6. Place the baking tray into the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
7. Remove the tray from the refrigerator and cut the block into bite-sized pieces.

Easy right? I'll be making some tomorrow after I get home from work and I'll post a picture of the final results then. I'm also going to try my hand at making my own Oat Milk. I'll post the recipe for that too.

Otherwise I still don't feel too different. If anything I had a little more energy to spare at the end of the day. Biking to and from work can really burn me out sometimes. Especially on really hot and sunny days like it was today. Anywho I'll try and make a 2.5 entry tomorrow sometime with some interesting information for you guys to gnaw on. For now though I'm going to go to bed and dream all my crazy dreams. Until next time!

Thursday 20 June 2013

Day 1

Well had my last two bite brownie and store bought Iced Tea around noon today. I was a little pleased with myself for not running off and grabbing a pizza. Being as this was going to be my last junky meal for a while. There really isn't much to say for my first day. I'm not going to be feeling better or worse for a few days yet. I will however tell you what I ate for dinner. Now being as I got home from work at 9 p.m. and was too hungry to wait I'll just tell you. It was really simple anyways. Just a pita with fresh ish spinach, homemade BBQ sauce, and some veganayse. I am allowing myself SOME commandants once in a while for the sake of flavor. I will start weaning myself off those too.

Another thing I want to mention is this... I've been asked more times then I can count by family and friends 'How can you afford to eat the way you do? Isn't it expensive?' Well... No. I actually don't spend half as much on my grocery bills anymore since I cut down and eventually out the meat. I find that $100 can buy me groceries for 3 weeks and I have more then enough food to make for other people when they come over. Keep in mind I make minimum wage (Which is 10.25 in Ontario if your curious). So if you want to try and go vegetarian or vegan and someone tells you it's too expensive you will know it's a load. Unless you go crazy and get all those Yves products (Which my guess is from reading the packaging they arn't all that great for you either) your not going to spend all that much. So no worries there!

Now finally I'm going to leave this one off with a documentary I saw today. There has been an awful lot about Monsanto lately and I finally decided to check out what everyone was making a fuss about. The information is startling to be honest. I know GMO foods are sort of new but, because I use to believe everything the news told me I thought all this sort of thing was tested before it was fed to the public. Apparently I was wrong t a degree. But you my reader(s) can judge that for yourself



Hello there!
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shannon, I am an average 25 year old Canadian woman that works your average minimum wage entry level job. I'm about 5'7" and weigh 175 lbs (I checked today just for this!). I don't go to the gym, but I do bike to and from work every day.

See pretty much your average individual.

Now as for what I'm planning on doing
Since last year when I read a VERY life changing book a friend lent me I have decided to change what I put into my body. I did a lot of research, consulted my family doctor, talked to skeptics, and even a few hard core health nuts. I've come to the conclusion that A) There seems to be something very wrong with how we eat B) There seems to be something very wrong with WHAT we eat. I'll try to post and reference as much of the material and documentary's that I've found credible. I even have a lecture of two I believe. More importantly I plan on going on a 90% raw food diet. Yes nothing but fruits and veggies from here on out until 30 days or more from now. I am already semi vegetarian as things stand, but this is a significant leap into unknown territory for me. I love food and I love to cook even more. With this diet I won't be doing much of that anymore HOWEVER I will allow myself to have a few items that are cooked such as potatoes, pita bread, ect ect. Primarily though we're going to do this the right way with some helpful advice from nutritionists, well established vegan friends, and whoever else I can get a hold of for information.

What I hope to accomplish
I would like to show at least some people that there are better alternatives to crash diets. They don't work most of the time anyways. The idea of those things is temporary weight loss. As soon as you go off them you balloon out again. I'm showing people a complete alternative lifestyle that we've forgotten exists since the time of the t.v. dinner and take out menu. I want to show people that you don't need all the junk we've been told to pack into ourselves because we were told to. That you can be happier and healthier through a more natural diet. Plus! If I lose a few pounds that's a bonus for me right?

What you can look forward to
Other then me telling you how this is affecting my daily life I plan to post interviews with people on several subjects including raw diet for the whole family kind of advice. Kids are always the hardest to get on bored right? Also fantastic raw recipes so you don't have to miss out on all those awesome things you enjoy. But if there is anything you want to see specifically just let me know and I'll see what I can do!

Oh and lastly I'd like to throw in a short disclamer right here... I am in no way a nutritionest or a dietition. I am just your average person that has decided that there might be something to what the vegans are doing. All the information I post here will be the results of other peoples research and my own personal oppinions and what not. You should always consult a medical professional of some kind if you are considering any kind of weight reduction plan and find out what method works best for you and your body type.